Teaching Experience
Ashland, OR. "Chakra and the Subtle Body" and "Alignment and Adjust" for Rasa yoga Teachers Training, March 14-16
California Became an "Architect of Change" for Maria Shriver, first published June 23 www.padapadmam.com/articles.php
Malibu, CA. July 1, 2014 started teaching Yoga at Malibu Beach Yoga www.malibubeachyoga.com
Malibu, CA. "Living with Cancer" for Malibu Beach Yoga, July 13
Ashland, OR. "Alignment and Adjust" and "Ayurveda" for Rasa Yoga Teacher Training
Malibu, CA. "Introduction to Meditation" at the home of Leigh and Carla McCloskey, November 15
Mount Shasta, CA. "Chakra" workshop (3 hours) at the Vajrapani YTT, Jan. 19
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajrapani YTT "Teachers assist" (3 hours) and Esoteric Anatomy (2 hours), March 10
Ashland OR. Private Meditation retreat, July 27-28
Medford OR. Yoga assist for the Rasa Teachers Training at Rasa Yoga Center, Sept. 7
September 1 Stopped teaching at Ashland Yoga Center (My Own Choice)
September 1 Stopped teaching at Ashland YMCA (My Own Choice)
October 1 Stopped teaching at Rasa Yoga Center Ashland & Oregon, OR (My Own Choice)
November 1 Moved to Malibu, CA
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajra Pani Yoga Teachers Training, Vinyasa Yoga Final, Jan. 27
Mount Shasta, CA. "Let the Rhythm of your Heart Dance" With live music, Steve Gold at Shasta Yoga Center, March 29
Mount Shasta, CA. Amy Rachel Cooper & Mona Therese Winston, co-teaching, detox workshop, at Shasta Yoga Center, April 21
Ashland, OR. Earth Day "Celebrate the Five Elements of Being" at Rasa Yoga Center, April 22
Ashland, OR. Co-Teaching with Kristin Lark Promotion for "The Rasa Revolution" June 2
Ashland OR. "The World of Bandhas" for "The Rasa Revolution" June 30
Ashland OR. "2 hour Restorative session" assisting Natalie Stawsky, for "The Rasa Revolution" June 30
Ashland, OR. "Radiant Revolution" co-teaching With Natalie Stawsky and Paige Cogger with live music by Donna De Lory for "The Rasa Revolution" July 1
Ashland OR. Published in Oregon Healthy Living, August
Copenhagen, DK. "The Energy Body" Chakra energy flow at Senses, September 9
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajrapani Teachers Training Teaching "The Fundamentals of Vinyasa Karma," "The History of Sun Salutations and Pranayama Workshop," October 21
Ashland, OR. Asana Poetica Calender Published with Poeticapress, November 1
Mt. Shasta, CA. Vajrapani Teachers Training Teaching "The Principles of Sequencing" November 18
Mt. Shasta, CA. Vajrapani Teachers Training Teaching "Moving from Simple to Advanced Asana" December 19
Ashland, OR. "Shine a Light" Global Seva event for India, Ashland High School, December 19
Ashland, OR. Yoga Detox, Ashland Yoga Center, March 19
Ashland, OR. Chakra Energize, Ashland Yoga Center, June 18
Mount Shasta, CA. Faculty teacher at The Vajra Pani TTY 2011-2012
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajra Pani TTY 2011 Vinyasa Yoga and Pranayama Workshop open to public, August 28
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajra Pani TTY 2011 Vinyasa Yoga and "The Energy Body" Chakra Workshop open to public, October 24
Ashland OR. Asana Poetica Calender Published with Poeticapress, November 1, 2011
Ashland OR. Published in Oregon Healthy living
Mount Shasta, CA. Four Sundays in Fall, "Building your Home Practice" Shasta Yoga Center CA.
Ashland, OR. Vinyasa Yoga at Ashland Yoga Center beginning September 7
Jackson Wellsprings, OR. Vinyasa Yoga at Jackson Wellsprings beginning September 7
Mount Shasta, CA. "The Chakra system and Vinyasa yoga" The Vajra Pani Yoga Teachers Training. June 12
Mount Shasta, CA. "The art of Teaching Vinyasa" workshop for Vajra pani Teachers Training, June 11
Mount Shasta, CA. Pranayama and Vinyasa Yoga for Vajra Pani Teachers Training, May 8
Mount Shasta, CA. Chakra, meditation and Vinyasa Yoga for Vajra Pani Teachers Training, April 25
Mount Shasta, CA. Body reading for Yoga Teachers, Vajra Pani Teachers Training, April 23
Mount Shasta, CA. Yoga detox Workshop for Shasta Yoga Center, April 3
Mount Shasta, CA. Teaching Vinyasa yoga, pranayama and meditation for
Vajra Pani Yoga Teachers Training. March 7
Mount Shasta, CA. Pranayama class for Vajra Pani Yoga Teachers Training. March 6
Mount Shasta, CA. Vinyasa yoga, pranayama and meditation for the Vajra Pani Yoga Teachers Training. February 14
Mount Shasta, CA. Transformation with Shiva. Workshop May 24 at Shasta Yoga Center
Dunsmuir, CA. April 22, 2009 Vinyasa Yoga at Omgaia Yoga
Mount Shasta, CA. Chakra Flow Workshop February 7-8 at Shasta Yoga Center
Mount Shasta, CA. Vinyasa Yoga at Shasta Yoga Center
Mount Shasta, CA. "The Energy Body" December 7. Vajra Pani Yoga, Teacher Training
Mount Shasta, CA. "Celebrate life" Workshop November 22. Shasta Yoga Center
Mount Shasta, CA. " Vinyasa introduction" workshop August 24. Shasta Yoga Center
Mount Shasta, CA. Vinyasa Yoga at Shasta Yoga Center
Wildwood, MO. Personal Instructor, Yoga and Pilates. Private homes
Chesterfield, MO. Reiki healing, in private homes
St. Louis, MO. January 15 to September 15. Urban Breath, Teaching Astanga and Vinyasa Yoga
Wildwood, MO. March 1 to November 30. The Pure Lotus, Gentle Yoga, Vinyasa Flow and Meditation
Wildwood, MO. "Dance and Yoga" workshop for The Pure Lotus/Yogajoy
Wildwood, MO. "The Chakra System" workshop for The Pure Lotus/Yogajoy
Wildwood, MO. "The Eight Limbs of Yoga in Practice" workshop for The Pure Lotus/Yogajoy Reiki Healing session, at Private Locations
Chesterfield, MO. Massage Therapist Private Pilates Classes in private homes
2005 November
Relocated to the United States.
Malibu, CA. Reiki Healing and Private Yoga Instruction
St. Louis, MO. Urban Breath Yoga Studio, Astanga Yoga Instructor
St. Louis, MO. Center For Spiritual Living, Gentle Yoga and Meditation
Skodsborg, DK. Skodsborg Vigoer Center, "Body-Mind-spirituality" Workshop for the student’s at Skodsborg Vigoer Center
Skodsborg, DK. Skodsborg Vigoer Center, "Yoga and The Chakra's" Workshop for the Students
Skodsborg, DK. Skodsborg Vigoer Center, "Astanga Yoga Level 1 - 2" Workshop for the Students
Skodsborg, DK. Skodsborg Vigoer Center, "Natural Breathing, release daily stress" for the employees at Skodsborg Hotel and Spa
Copenhagen, DK. Yoga instructor for Shamballa
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. 4 Days Work shop, "Yoga, Meditation and The Yoga Sutras" Workshop for the students
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. "Pranayama and Meditation" Workshop for the students
Copenhagen, DK. Yoga instructor for Shamballa
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. "Yoga, the Body Mind connection" Workshop for the students
Copenhagen, DK. Yoga instructor for Shamballa
Hoersholm, DK. Weekend retreat "Pranayama and Meditation" on invitation of my students
Club La Santa Sport, Spain. Two Week’s Retreat "Astanga Yoga and Eastern philosophy, with Ina and Mona Therese"
Oesterbro, DK, Teaching Vinyasa and Astanga Yoga for Fitness DK. (2002 - 2005)
Copenhagen, DK. One-day meditation, in a workshop in collaboration with Mind seed
2002 - 04
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. Manager, responsible for the cleaning staff and the daily routine
Club La Santa Sport, Spain. One week retreat "Astanga Yoga and Meditation with Ina and Mona Therese"
Club La Santa Sport, Spain. One week retreat "Astanga Yoga and Meditation with Ina and Therese"
Copenhagen, DK. Weekend Course with Dalai Lama
2000 - 05
Skodsborg, DK. Private classes in Relaxation, Yoga, and Meditation and The Five Tibetan rites for Hotel Guests and conference groups
Skodsborg Hotel, DK. "Yoga, Relaxation, Natural breathing and Meditation" for the Guests
Private Trainer in Fitness at Various Fitness Centers and in private homes
Copenhagen, DK. "Astanga Yoga" Nike Convention, Denmark
1998 - 05
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. Yoga and Meditation Instructor
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. Morning classes for elders, Pilates and weights. Massage Therapist and Reiki Healer, Private clients
Skodsborg Vigoer Center, DK. "Meditation the way to freedom" workshop for the Students
Copenhagen DK. Puls Studio, Fitness, weight loss consultant/program director and Yoga Instructor
Copenhagen DK. Hardwork studio’s, Aerobic, Spinning, power Yoga and relaxation Instructor
Copenhagen, DK. Sport & Fitness Power Yoga Instructor SkodsborgVigoer Center, DK. Team exercise instructor with Weights and Yoga Instructor Private Massage Therapist
Denmark "Power Yoga" Nike Convention
Denmark "Yoga Relaxation" Reebok Convention
1995 to 1997
Copenhagen, DK. Hardwork Studios Fitness Education, Responsible for Program planning and stretching
Copenhagen, DK. Hardwork Studio, Valby, Instructor and Choreograph for The Hardwork Studio’s Aerobic Team
Copenhagen, DK. Iyengar Yoga Studio, Beginners Iyengar Yoga Course With Claus Wittig.
Copenhagen, DK. 1 week Astanga Yoga with Lino Miele and Gwendoline Hunt
Copenhagen, DK. "Full Natural Breathing" Work Shop for my students
1991 – 97
Hardwork Studio’s Aerobic Education. Responsible for Body sculpt, Spinning and Stretching
Copenhagen, DK. Form & Fitness Aerobic, Dance and fitness instructor
Copenhagen, DK. Herlev Evening Education, Gymnastic instructor and relaxation Therapy
Copenhagen, DK. opened my own Spa in Fredriksberg Swimming & Fitness center
Copenhagen, DK. "Inner beauty, outer Radiance" workshop for my Clients
Education & Workshops
Los Angeles, CA. The Life and Work of C. G. Jung at the The University of Philosophical Research with Stephen Lerner Julich, April 5-6
La Costa Resort & Spa, CA. "Journey into Healing" with Deepak Chopra & Andrew Weil, March 14-18
La Costa Resort & Spa, CA. "Seduction of Spirit" with Deepak Chopra & Eckhart Tolle, April 21- 27
Ashland OR. The Brilliance of Yoga with Eric Shaw at Rasa Yoga Center, Sept. 14
Online certification program "What is Yoga as Meditation" Oct. 2
The Chopra Center, Carlsbad, CA. "Primordial Sound Meditation" Certification program, Oct. 14-21
Ashland, OR. "Heart-Core Yoga" with Max Strom, February 25
Talent, OR. "The Bhagavad Gita" with Kristin Laak at Om Sweet Om, March 3
Ashland OR. "Embodying the Teachings" with Karen Harris, M.Div. at Ashland Yoga Center, March 10
Ashland, OR. "Yoga and Music" with Beth Sparks and Steve Gold, at Rasa Yoga Center, March 19
Ashland, OR. "SELF REALIZATION AND FREEDOM" with "Acharya," Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois at Rasa Yoga Center, July 11
Ashland, OR. "The Pelvic Floor" Yoga Therapy with Natalie Stavsky at Rasa Yoga Center, October 6
Ashland OR. Yoga Psychology: An Abiding Journey in Mindfullness with James Bailey at Rasa Yoga Center, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2
Ashland, OR. Anusara Workshop with Desiree Rumbaugh - "Honor the Darkness, See the Light and Experience Life's Riches," August 27
Ashland, OR. "THE ANCIENT WISDOM OF AYURVEDA" with JAMES BAILEY, LAc, DiplOm, DiplAyu, ERYT-500 at Rasa Ashland. Part of Rasa 200 hour Teacher Training, Sept. 16-18
Mount Shasta, CA. Embodied Acu-Yoga, May 9
Mount Shasta, CA. Anatomy Intensives with Kathleen Heller, March 27-28
Mount Shasta, CA. Vajra Pani Yoga Workshop (4 hour) with Natalie Gougeon, The Energy Body
Mount Shasta, CA. The Grace of Back bending (3 hour) With Amy Cooper
Redding, CA. The Spirit of Back Bending with Amy Cooper
Mount Shasta, CA. Dealing with emotions from a Buddhist perspective with Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi
Mount Shasta, CA. Weekend workshop with Kofi Busia Chanting the Yoga Sutras
Spirit rock, CA. Meditation with Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock, CA. Chanting & Meditation with Jai Uttal and Debra Chamerlin-Taylor
Registered with Yoga Alliance as E-RYT
November Relocated to the United States
Humlebaek, DK. Reiki Master Teacher, initiation. Given By Reiki Master Lone Brixen
Humlebaek, DK. Reiki Healing, third initiation. Given by Reiki Master Lone Brixen
Rishikesh, India. Initiated into Kriya Yoga By Swami Shankarananda Giri.
Amsterdam, Holland. 3 days Trance Dance Workshop with Wilbert Alix
Humlebaek, DK. Reiki Healing, Third and second initiation. Given by Reiki Master Lone Brixen
Fredriksberg, Copenhagen, DK. The Five paramitas, 5 day’s with Dalai Lama
Copenhagen, DK. Stott Pilates Mat works Education.
Skodsborg, DK. Weekend workshop "Meditation and the Chakra’s" with Lakha Lama.
Copenhagen, DK. Weekend Course with Dalai Lama
Copenhagen, DK. Thai Yoga Massage Therapist Education with Turu, Teacher from the Himalayas.
Copenhagen, DK. 2 Week’s AstangaYoga with Lino Miele and Gwendolyn Hunt
Plum Village, France, Thich Nhat Hanh, "Eye of the Buddha" retreat
Copenhagen, DK. Astanga Retreat with Lino Miele
Kerala, India. Studying Yoga and Eastern Philosophy
Trivandum, India. Five week Astanga, Pranayama, Meditation and Chanting, retreat. With Lino Miele and Gwendolyn Hunt before I traveled on to the wonderful Team in Sivananda’s Ashram
Copenhagen, DK. Iyengar Yoga Studio, Beginners Iyengar Yoga Course With Claus Wittig
Copenhagen, DK. 1 week Astanga Yoga with Lino Miele and Gwendolyn Hunt
Copenhagen, DK. 2 weeks Astanga Yoga with Lino and Gwendolyn Hunt
Copenhagen, DK. Iyengar Yoga Studio, Introduction to Iyengar Yoga with Claus Wittig
Copenhagen, DK. Iyengar Yoga Studio, Introduction to Astanga Yoga With Lino Miele
Copenhagen, DK. Form & Fitness 2 week extended course "Protect the Back" Form & Fitness
Copenhagen, DK. 1 week course "seniors and Exercise"
1986 - 89
Copenhagen, DK. Gymnastic and Swimming education. At Lis Burmeister, Private School
Copenhagen, DK. Initiated into Transcendental Meditation at the Danish TM Center in Copenhagen
Malmoe, Sweden. 2 week course, introduction to Hatha Yoga, with Lina Engstrom.
1980 - 86
Copenhagen, DK. The Danish Academy of Ballet. Instructed by ballet Dancer Frank Schaufuss, The Royal Danish Ballet.
CIDESCO. Copenhagen, DK. Esthetic and Massage Education
1978 - 79
Copenhagen, DK. ML Spa. Massage Therapist, taught by Marie Louise
Astanga Yoga: Lino Miele, Rome, Italy. Tina Pizzimenti, Rome, Italy. Gwendoline Hunt, New Zealand.
Iyengar Yoga: Claus Wittig, Copenhagen, Denmark. Amy Cooper, CA, USA.
Kriya Yoga: Swami Shankarananda Giri (India)
Sivananda Yoga: Various teachers at the Ashram in Trivanandrum, India.
Various Yoga classes I have attended… Shiva Rea, Brian Kest, Eric Shiffman, Hala Khouri, Jamie Elmer, Denice Kaufman, Charlotte Bruun, Ina Thanild, Meghan Bowen, Vanessa Scott, Kristine Laak and many more…
Meditation: Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnam. Else Christensen, Denmark. Lakha Lama, Denmark. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, India. Davidji, USA. Deepak Chopra, USA
Shaman Trance Dance:Wilbert Alix, USA.
Metaphysics and Philosophy: Gina Allen, New Zealand. Dan Millmann, USA. Deepak Chopra, USA. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, India. Jack Kornfield, Spirit Rock, CA. Gary Zukov, USA. Gregg Braden, USA. Leigh J. McCLoskey, Malibu, CA., Jon C. Bergengren, PhD., Daytona Beach, FL.